Cycle sierra nevada Scholarship Program

  From 2014 we will be providing a number of opportunities for young cyclists, both male and female, to take part in one of our training camps completely free of charge. Cycle Sierra Nevada will be offering a number of places each year on their Scholarship Program to young athletes in an attempt to assist them in their aspiring careers.

craig arrigan - dublin - IRELAND

Who are you?

My name is Craig Arrigan, I'm 19 years old and from Dublin, I'm currently in DIT studying Food Innovation.

Who do you cycle for?

I began cycling with Orwell wheelers Cycling Club, in 2008, the last two seasons I've raced with South Dublin Cycling Club.

Who do you train with?

On a Sunday I’d usually go for a spin with a few lads from the club, there’s also a few guys that live close to me that I’d go training with, such as Darragh Long, Mark Dowling and James Davenport. On a Thursday there’s a group of mountain bikers that meet up and go for a road spin not to far from where I live , so I’m never really stuck for people to go training with.

Why did you start cycling?

I started cycling when my granddad brought over one of my dad’s old racing bikes to the house, I went for a spin or two on it and fell in love, my granddad started bringing me down to the track on Sundrive Road and got me in touch with the guys in Orwell wheelers. It wasn’t long until I began racing.

What do you love about cycling?

For me it offers a great sense of freedom and adventure.

Favourite piece of cycling kit/bike etc.?

Zipp 404s, they’re light, they’re aero and they’re quick

Key goals for next season?

I hope to keep developing as a rider and hopefully pick up a win, upgrade to A1 by the end of the season. I would love to get a result in the Suir Valley Three Day down in Clonmel.

Hopes/plans for the future?

To race abroad on an amateur or professional team, to keep riding my bike, and enjoying it long after my racing days are over.