Cycle sierra nevada Scholarship Program

  From 2014 we will be providing a number of opportunities for young cyclists, both male and female, to take part in one of our training camps completely free of charge. Cycle Sierra Nevada will be offering a number of places each year on their Scholarship Program to young athletes in an attempt to assist them in their aspiring careers.


Who are you?

I am 17 years old and live in Old Bexley (south east London), England. At an early age, maybe 5 or 6, I tried a few sports like rugby and football but neither really suited so I settled on cycling and stuck with it ever since. In spite of some quite serious injuries which may have made others quit and take up a less dangerous sport.

Who do you ride for? Training partners?

For the 2014 season I road for Woolwich CC but for 2015 I will be riding for Clay Cross RT. On road training I usually train by myself or with two or three others who I have grown up with due to cycling but I attend track sessions at Lee Valley and Herne Hill which can have up to around 50 riders in.

Why did you start cycling?

I learnt to ride my bike at an early age and always loved riding my bike. My nursery didn't have a bike shed so my bike got hidden in a bush. When I got to around 7 or 8 I joined my (then) local cycling club Team Darenth but a couple of years later go ride Bexley, a feeder club for youth members into the Woolwich,  started up a couple of miles from where I live. When I reached 12 I joined the Woolwich and started going on club runs and being taught how to corner, climb, etc within the rides I then started racing u14s at crystal palace and then the lead coach mentioned Herne Hill Velodrome and at the time I thought great no hills! And started the track league there and I have learnt, mostly from trial and error, and progressed since then.

What do you love about cycling?

I love how cycling can take you anywhere you want it too. It has taken me into Belgium,  Ireland, Wales and now Spain. And that you get out exactly what you put in.

Favourite piece of cycling kit/bike etc.?

An old steel Geoffrey butler frame that was given to me by my club a year ago to build up into a winter fixie (even though it was a road frame) and road it all throughout the winter and when the summer came I changed it into my 'around town' bike and now its a full winter road bike.

What motivates you?

The thrill of the chase. I find no better feeling than finishing a race. Doesn't matter if I´m 1st or  21st just knowing I've done something and learning from it and coming back stronger.

Key goals for next season?

  • Podium at the national track championships

  • Win a stage of a stage race

  • Win a road race

  • Achieve 1st catagory

  • Do myself proud

Hopes/plans for the future?

  • Keep riding my bike, whatever happens.

  • Get a full time contract (road or track).

  • Ride a grand tour.

  • Ride a 6 day track meet.

  • Ride a spring classic.

And if none of that works out or after it all does get a BC coaching status and coach others to achieve what they want too.