a conversation with...

  The Cycle Sierra Nevada Scholarship was developed as a way to sponsor young cyclists that may not have opportunity or financial capacity to avail of a cycling training camp. In this section we take 5 minutes for a chat with one of the applicants selected for the 2019 program.

Kevin McCambridge - NORTHERN IRELAND

Who are you?

My name is Kevin McCambridge and I am a road cyclist

What team do you ride for?

Nicolas Roche Performace Team for the 2019 season

Why did you start cycling?

My uncle had a pretty savage road bike and thought it looked quite cool so got one for Christmas and here we are 5 years later... lol

Have you any sporting backgrounds apart from cycling?

Played an Irish sport called hurling which is a super rough sport. It’s a super fast game!!

What type of cyclist are you? Do you compete in other disciplines, other than road cycling?

I am a complete road cyclist and don’t do off road unfortunately.

Favourite piece of cycling equipment/kit?

My bikes are my main priority.

Your greatest achievements on a bicycle?

Being 8seconds off the Irish 10mile record.
2nd at Time Trial @ Gorey international 3 day
Ulster Time Trial Championship

Your favourite professional cyclist? (past and present)

Sean Kelly and Rohan Dennis

Most memorable moment/stage win from professional cycling?

Peter Sagan winning his 1st World Championship.

Your favourite stage race and one day race?

My favourite stage race would have to be Junior Tour Of Ireland as you get to see the amazing place your from, while hard racing.

My favourite 1day race is Tour Of The Mournes because it’s against the best Cat 1’s in Ireland!

What's your current favourite music album/song?

Big Eminem fan! Really love ‘till I collapse’

Tell us something we don’t know about you already and you don’t mind the general public knowing?

I really like to spend time with family! My family support everything I do in cycling and get me everywhere. I also love fishing!

Hopes and plans for the future?

Have a really good result and World Championships in Yorkshire and make it into the world of professional cycling.