The Venta Climb to the old castle 14.2km with the stunning backdrop of the Sierra Nevada and only 4km from our base to the start of the climb!

La Venta Loop

The ride details

The ‘La Venta’ loop is the perfect ride to shake out the legs after a day of travel. The loop proves just how good the riding is right on our doorstep.  One of the best things about being based in Vélez de Benaudalla is the fact that there’s no traffic to navigate through to get to the best riding because you are already exactly where you need to be to enjoy some of the best riding in the world. 

Crossing the Puente de Tablate on bicycle on old road from Granada to the Coast

Crossing the Puente de Tablate on the old road from Granada to the Coast

A quick 4km flat warm up brings you straight into the initial slope of a 14.2km climb. The top of the climb comes 18.5km into the ride and you know that you are close to the top when you can see the castle. This is the highest point of the ride and from here on there’s more descending that climbing. The castle, Torre de la Cebada, which translates to ‘Barley Tower’, was used in the Nasrid period (1230-1492) to protect the passage of people and goods through the Lecrin Valley, between Granada and the Coast.

Cycling Routes of the Sierra Nevada, Motril, Granada, Puente de Tablate

Following the Puente de Tablate you immediately ride through a gorge cut away from the mountainside

The descent after the castle is a roller coaster of 5km on a quiet road with almost zero traffic. Then a short climb of 2km to the next town, Pinos Del Valle, which is a great place for a coffee stop. We recommend stopping in Bar Venecia for a Spanish omelette or a tostada and is passed 26.5km into the ride. From here you will work your way down a series of descents crossing the damn, Presa de Béznar, and across the historic bridge of Puente de Tablate. After the bridge, it’s another long descent on the old road to the coast. A short climb of 2km and then a non-technical descent down to the dam, Presa de Rules, outside Vélez de Benaudalla before cruising your way back into town.

Cycling Routes Sierra Nevada, Granada, Motril, La Venta Cebada Climb